Saturday, March 31, 2012

In with the lace, out with the sweaters

Today i finally picked up my room and organized my clothes..for the most part.  Put away all my winter clothes! ready for summerrrrr, guh i hate the heat.  During the past years i've spent the warmer months whining and being lazy with my style. This year i'm really going to try and embrace the heat though. Let the skin show and get a nice tan for once!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

celebration cupcakes! simple and easy but still delicious

bought these suppperrrrrr cute baking cups! perfect for the spring and i plan to use them for my sisters baby shower coming up. my father gave me a box of cake mix and frosting as a little gag gift for my birthday earlier this month. and today i received news from my doctor that all my test results went well. SO CELEBRATION CUPCAKES were made! :)

spent the day at the park.

was most sunny today, a lovely breeze came with though.
my friend sue and i took every opportunity we could get to get some sunnnn.
TRYIN to get that sexy tan on yuhknow. since i am SOO pale. sigh.